Getting a Mortgage on a Zero Hour Contract

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September 7, 2021

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Working on a Zero Hours Contract is now more common than ever before and it can be quite tricky to secure a mortgage whilst working on this type of contract.  The reason for this, is because of the potential irregularity of your income and the possibility of no work at all for a period of time.

Some lenders are accepting ZHC (zero hours contracts) for those working in key areas such as the NHS, Care Homes, Supermarket workers, Education, Pharmacy, Registrars, Funeral Directors, Dental Nurses, Postal Workers and Retained services such as Fire Fighters and Armed Forces.

Other lenders can accept income from ZHC outside of these industries as well but we may not have as a wide range of mortgage available which could result in higher interest rates.

This is great news and will help secure a mortgage for a much wider range of house hunters than ever before, however there are terms and conditions which need to be met so please give us a call on 01233 512012 if you would like to chat through your eligibility.

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